Sunday, January 31, 2010

POP Quiz

Today's Singing time was a burst of fun!  I call this one POP Quiz, or Pop Review.  All of January we have been learning the new song, "I Know My Savior Loves Me".  Being the last Sunday of the month, we needed to review the song and really commit it to memory. So, here's what I did.  
I put a way to sing the song inside of balloons on little strips of paper.  Then, blew them up and hung them from the ceiling with tape.  The kids were SO curious and excited as they came into primary and saw the balloons hanging there.  

During singing time I called up reverent helpers to pop a balloon (with a push pin) to find out how we would be singing the verse next.  We sang different parts that of the song--according to what I thought they needed the most work on (1st verse, second verse, or chorus) all in the different ways that were written inside the balloons.  I had a row on each side of the podium in our primary room.  Inside the balloons I put papers that said,   (a couple of these ways to sing I got from someone else's blog"
--"sing like a monkey with oooo's and aaaahh's" and I brought my monkey puppet with me for the child that poped that one, to put on as we sang the verse that way. This was good because it helped them hear the tune of the song.
--boys only
--girls only
--"It's a toss up"  I put a coin in this balloon and the child that popped it, flipped the coin to decide if it was the teachers or kids that had to sing....or the boys or girls that had to sing.
--hammer the beat --use their fists as hammers and explain about the beat of the music, then sing hammering tot he beat.
--"Parrot repeat"  I brought my parrot puppet and had them repeat sing a few lines after I sang them, taking turns.  

-9 balloons (dollar store)
-paper with different ways to sing the song
-puppets (optional but the Jr. primary especially liked them--got them at the dollar store)

This activity was definitely a hit for both the Jr. and Sr. primary kids.

Just Starting Out

This summer I was called as the Primary Chorister.  And that is when the fun began.  Now, mind you, I do not sing well. I can carry a tune, and I play a couple musical instruments...voice NOT being one of them.  However, I love to be creative.  This calling has proved to be my most enjoyable yet!! Of course I do believe you will reap what you sew in any situation.  Thanks to the ideas and other's blogs whom I love to follow, I am now reaping the rewards of a fun and spiritual singing time with my ward's primary children.  The kids don't care how well you sing. But they do enjoy having fun with you.  So, here we go...I will try to post the ideas I've used in our singing time and hopefully they'll be of help to you too!