Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just Starting Out

This summer I was called as the Primary Chorister.  And that is when the fun began.  Now, mind you, I do not sing well. I can carry a tune, and I play a couple musical instruments...voice NOT being one of them.  However, I love to be creative.  This calling has proved to be my most enjoyable yet!! Of course I do believe you will reap what you sew in any situation.  Thanks to the ideas and other's blogs whom I love to follow, I am now reaping the rewards of a fun and spiritual singing time with my ward's primary children.  The kids don't care how well you sing. But they do enjoy having fun with you.  So, here we go...I will try to post the ideas I've used in our singing time and hopefully they'll be of help to you too!


Kristy Lynne said...

You have found and come up with lots of clever singing time activities. I'm excited to follow your blog!